Friday, March 25, 2011


anthony bourdain - my hero - said that he hesitated to even visit vienna since it was known for their sweets and he prefers salt.  while i'd love to go to vienna, i'm on board with his savory preferences. "crunchy salty" is my favorite flavor palette.  and my favorite vehicle for a crunchy salty snack is definitely chips.  or as my niece says "chippiiiies!"  aside from being a sandwich's best friend (sorry pickle, you're the third wheel), chips can be a cultural excursion while traveling abroad.  i love finding hilarious and surprising new chip flavors, so i'm going to dedicate this post to foreign chips and their unique flavors.  these are actual potato chips flavors - printed on the bag - from these actual places.

china:  italian red meat, spicy fish soup, cucumber, blueberry
australia: texas ribs, pepper lime
canada: ketchup, mayo
turkey: sesame
london: curry, beef, egg salad
costa rica: plaintains 

we're missing representation from africa and south america.  i'm curious.  any other international chip discoveries? 

snack shared: chippies!

Blueberry Chips courtesy of China