Monday, December 6, 2010

sinterklaas shares snacks

happy saint nick’s day – a saintly, festive reason to share some snacks!  as an adult i was surprised to learn that not everyone celebrates saint nicholas day (apparently it’s just a german/french/catholic/greek orthodox thing), so let’s take a moment to learn about this awesome snack sharer who gives treats to good little boys and girls on his feast day, December 6th.  saint nicholas is the patron saint of children known for his secret-gift giving.  legends are all over the map, but they all pretty much say he was a really nice, humble guy who liked to help good kids by giving them treats when their parents couldn’t.  consequently, he’s also the patron saint of sailors because he would fill a child’s stocking when their dad was away at sea.  in another tale, he leaves dowries for three daughters whose father is too poor which is why he's often depicted holding three coins.  nastier legends include him carrying around a big stick (or deer leg if you’re from the netherlands) and bopping kids who weren’t good so they would get their act together before christmas.  i prefer the treat-bearing version that used to fill my stocking with candy, bonnie bell lip smackers and an ornament.  saint nick used to bring my mom walnuts and oranges because those were rare snacks that didn’t grow on her family’s farm.  for me, saint nick day is the official start of christmas-time and encompasses the real spirit of giving.  saint nick shared snacks with children thoughtfully and quietly—without the grand entrance of reindeers or assistant elves.  there are lots of snacks around the holidays, but saint nick reminds us to acknowledge how great a little treat can be when given lovingly and openly and humbly.

snack shared:  christmas candy

saint nicholas with some treats


  1. i like this meaningful side to snacking. seems snacks are pretty much timeless!

  2. glad you like it miss k. snacking is most certainly timeless!
