everyone wants the last cookie on the plate. the last dollop of guac in the bowl. the last yellowtail basil roll from sushi bistro on 6th and balboa. but we all just sit there and look at it and offer it to the people around us. we put out our palms face up and offer it like vanna white. this pretending to not want the last bite can go on for minutes and minutes that feel like hours and hours. its so wonderful when someone says, please, FOR REALZ, take the last one. and so you take it. and it's delicious. and satisfying. partly, because its tasty. but mostly because it was offered to you kindly by the folks around the table, whom presumably you like since you are sitting around a table with them. its a nice moment no matter what side of the chop stick you are on.
snack shared: yellowtail basil roll
this lonely piece of sushi can make someone's day.